Roger Thrower

Inspiring Seeking Hearts to Enter the Life-Giving Presence of Jesus Christ


The Receiver Becomes the Giver (John 4:6-42)

Roger Thrower, September 16, 2018
Part of the What Can't God Do Series series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

The Predicament
Do you or did you ever feel like damaged goods?

The Process
1. Jesus himself is your answer for what you are truly thirsting for in life.
2. Jesus knows exactly where you are broken in your life.
3. Jesus came to open your heart to Father God so you may worship him drinking deeply of his love for you.
4. Jesus is your Savior.

The Proposal
The Woman gave out of what she had received.
Will you give what you have received?

You can go from being people’s worst choice to being God's best voice.

Tags: thirsty

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