Have you ever read several books by one author? Say Jane Austin or Earnest Hemingway? Or say maybe the writings of C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien? What I am thinking about here is this: when you read the works of certain authors you pick up their way of communicating, their writing style, their thought processes, and their approach: their voice. You get to know their heart, so to speak. If you read many of the books one auther like many have read the works of C.S. Lewis, you are in a way mentored by the mature thinking presented in the concepts, themes, and stories. It is a way of growing mentally.
The Bible is a spiritual book that was inspired by the Holy Spirit as He moved on the hearts of men of God to write in God’s behalf. When you read the Bible with a heart seeking to hear what God would say to you, His voice comes through the words to your spirit. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If you ask for wisdom He will give it. In fact the whole book of Proverbs is dedicated to helping the serious disciple gain a heart of wisdom.
What happens when you read the Bible daily? What happens when you desire to know God through the Word of God? What happens when you seek God for council and you have a plan to read and listen to Him so you can obey His voice? This is what happens: you gain a heart affinity with God. You become close. You rely on Him and you know that He knows you and what you need in life. You have a real relationship with God that matters to both of you. The history of God’s people becomes your history because you are grafted in to the olive tree of God’s redemptive history. You are adopted into the family of God like Ruth or Rahab. You didn’t belong and now you do; and as you mature spiritually you become a contributor to this big family by becoming like Jesus Himself.
How? By listening for His voice within the pages and obeying Him when He speaks, you will be mentored by the Lord through the thoughts, stories, history, poetry, passion, mistakes, principles, truths, and examples of those who have gone before you.